darktaxa-project: World viewing - positions in contemporary post-photography and digital image culture, group-exhibition, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, 7-10-2024
darktaxa-project: phtoograify, group-exhibition, photo+ Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media, Düsseldorf, 5-2024
darktaxa-project: phtoograify, lecture + panel, photo+ Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media, Düsseldorf, 5-2024
darktaxa-project: group-exhibition "darktaxa-project: the Regensburg constellation", Internationales Festival fotografischer Bilder, main exhibition, Städtische Galerie, 11-2023 - 2-2024
darktaxa-project: group-exhibition Photography in Progress / Fragile Infrastrukturen, Kunsträume der Michael Horbach Stiftung, Internationale Photoszene Köln, 5-2023
darktaxa-project: interview, published in catalogue group-exhibition Expect the Unexpected, Kunstmuseum Bonn, 2-2023
darktaxa-project: group-exhibition Expect the Unexpected, Kunstmuseum Bonn, 3-2023
darktaxa-project: lecture and panel "The new landscape of Photography: AI, NFT and Metaverse", Paris Photo, 11-2022
darktaxa-project: panel at symposium "We do/are photography", Internationale Photoszene Köln, 10-2022
darktaxa-project: noManifesto, 5-2022, Audio-Video-Version
darktaxa-project: the Düsseldorf-constellation, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media photo+, 5-2022
darktaxa-project: noPublication_noDatamosh, 5-2022
darktaxa-project: noPublication, 11-2021
darktaxa-project: darktaxa camera, DTC-1, 7-2021
darktaxa-project: panel #ArtProject2020 Vancouver Biennale, 11-2020
darktaxa-project: the Paris-constellation, 11-2021
darktaxa-project: the Berlin-constellation, 3-2021
darktaxa-project: the Frankfurt-constellation, Schierke Seinecke Gallery, Frankfurt, 3-2020
darktaxa-project: artist-talk, Galerie Schierke Seinecke, Frankfurt, 3-2020 available in german
darktaxa-project: noManifesto, 2-2020, print + PDF
darktaxa-project: noManifesto 2-2020, audio-version, german/english (full version engl. coming soon)
darktaxa-project: interview David Young - Michael Reisch, 10-2019
darktaxa-project: exhibition, the wrong biennale, NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf, 11-2019
darktaxa-project: lecture + panel at Haus der Fotografie / Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, 10-2019 available in german
darktaxa-project: interview, Achim Mohné - Michael Reisch, 10-2019 available in german
darktaxa-project: exhibition, Photon | Icon, 5-2019
darktaxa-project: exhibition-text Photon | Icon, Michael Reisch, 5-2019
darktaxa-project: interview Perisphere-Blog, Florian Kuhlmann – Michael Reisch
darktaxa-project: interview Philipp Goldbach – Michael Reisch available in german
darktaxa-project: interview Björn Siebert – Michael Reisch available in german